Flooding Damages Interrupt Media Services
Spring has sprung. With the warmer temperatures and melting snow, we have experienced localized flooding in many Sheboygan neighborhoods. On Friday, March 15 flooding along the Sheboygan river in the area near the intersection of Taylor Drive and Indiana Avenue damaged Spectrum equipment used to deliver community media stations to local residents. The Interruptions affected the lines used to send the local Public, Education, and Government (PEG) channels from the studio on the UWGB-Sheboygan campus to Spectrum and the subscriber lines that provide Internet access to the studio.
“Our operations were severely curtailed during the outage,” said Scott Mealiff, WSCS Director. “We could still record shows but we weren’t able to broadcast or stream.” Crews were alerted to the problem and worked diligently for several days to find solutions, despite some of the affected equipment being swamped by flood water.
As of Wednesday morning, the school district (993), University (994), and city (990) channels have been restored to cable customers as well as live streaming of WSCS on the web and OTT devices. Thank you to all who worked to get our community media back online.