City Desk
Watch “City Desk” with guests from Aurora Health Care, the Sheboygan Area School District, and the City of Sheboygan outlining a plan to create a new medical building and recreational facilities.
S.A.S.D would sell Field of Dreams North to Aurora so they can build a new outpatient care facility. Dave Graebner, president of Sheboygan Memorial, says the change will help with space issues. In exchange, Aurora will help transform the former Butzen Farm property on the city’s south side into a state-of-the-art sports facility, with a focus mostly on soccer. Sheboygan Council President Don Hammond says they got the land last year with a request to make its use recreational, and making the soccer field would mean being able to host major regional tournaments. SASD’s Board of Education heard comments from citizens on the Field of Dreams North land sale Tuesday night. If all goes as planned, the new facilities would be open for use by the end of 2018.