Building a Future
Construction continues on the new University of Wisconsin-Sheboygan estimated $1.4 million engineering building on the UW-Sheboygan campus.
The new 7,000+-square-foot building will provide classroom and lab space for students participating in the University of Wisconsin-Platteville onsite collaborative degree program in Engineering, as well as for UW-Sheboygan pre-engineering students.
Local students access live instruction on the UW-Sheboygan campus with UW-Platteville engineering professors. Lab work is currently being completed in a temporary lab on the campus or by commuting to UW-Fox Valley Valley, a nearby UW College campus also participating in this degree partnership. The new building will provide a state-of-the-art lab environment for students studying mechanical and electrical engineering.
In addition to the labs, the new facility will feature several new offices for engineering faculty and program academic advisers and a study area. Labs will offer hands-on learning in mechanical and electrical engineering.
The engineering building is a reality due to the generosity of the Sheboygan County Board of Supervisors and donors Plastics Engineering Company (PLENCO), the Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation and Curt G. Joa, Inc. The UW-Sheboygan Foundation spearheaded a major fundraising campaign to secure the private donations needed to help construct the building.
The new building is expected to open to students in fall 2015.